Attorney Andria Oaks began her legal career prior to law school by shadowing attorneys with the Department of Child Service. She has served as a Court Youth Advocate, and she helped guide her youth to successful probation completion. She later practiced under an Indiana 2.1 License with the Department where her passion for assisting families and children grew. This passion has expanded into other areas of family law to encompass a variety of family needs.
Ms. Oaks fiercely advocates for her clients while holding a sincere understanding for family concerns. She assists her clients and their families by providing counsel on a variety of familial issues that arise
Family Law Services
Children in need of services (CHINS) representation
CHINS proceedings are actions brought by the Department of Child Services (DCS). Prior to adjudication, these proceedings consist of an initial hearing, facilitation, and fact finding. Parents have the right to representation at these hearings. After an adjudication of CHINS, the court will hold status hearings until permanency is necessary, which is required after twelve (12) months. Permanency should always start with reunification of the child and the parents.
Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) proceedings terminate the parent child relationship. TPR requires the DCS to prove through clear and convincing evidence that: 1) this is the least restrictive means possible; 2) the parents are unwilling and/or unable to provide for, or protect, their child; 3) termination of the parent child relationship is in the best interest of the child; and 4) there is a reasonable probability that the conditions leading to removal will not change.
In Indiana divorce is also known as the dissolution of marriage. Indiana observes a no-fault ground for divorce resulting from the irretrievable breakdown of marriage. The divorce decree will often determine the distribution of property, spousal maintenance awards, and child custody matters.
Indiana is considered an all property state. This means that the all of the property owned by either spouse prior to marriage, earned by one spouse during the marriage, or gained by both spouses during the marriage is considered part of the marital pot. Courts will presume that division of the martial property in half is an equitable distribution of the property. There are certain factors the court may consider to deviate from that distribution.