March 27,2020
When it comes to determining liability in
motor vehicle wrecks, Indiana is a comparative negligent state. This means that as long as you are no more than 50 percent responsible for your crash, you may still be able to seek compensation for your medical…
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August 17,2017
You probably are aware that a motorcycle is one of the most dangerous vehicles to drive on Indiana roadways. You are at risk every time you ride for an accident that could seriously injury or even kill you. While following safety procedures can help protect you from injuries and accidents, your…
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June 10,2017
Indiana motorcyclists have a great state to ride through with plenty of scenic views, open roads, and great weather to enjoy. But unfortunately, if a time comes when that motorcyclist gets into an accident with another vehicle on the road, they'll likely be the ones walking away with worse injuries…
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May 22,2017
Motorcycles are the most vulnerable vehicles on Indiana roadways. It is up to riders to do everything they can to stay safe. One of the best ways to do this is to drive defensively. This means driving in a way that will avoid dangers and keep the rider safe. Road Guardians offers some tips for…
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May 19,2017
Whether you are a motorcyclist or a motorist, you should know how to stay safe on the road. Motorcyclists should always drive defensively, and keep a sharp eye out for motorists who may not be paying attention. Motorists should always look out for motorcyclists who may be hiding in their blind spot…
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March 30,2017
Cruising along the highway in the great state of Indiana can be exciting, but it can also put you in danger. The lack of protection and vulnerability mean that motorcyclists are often more likely to suffer serious injuries and fatalities in an accident than passenger vehicles. In fact, the…
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February 10,2017
The laws on motorcycle helmet use are different from state to state. In Indiana, the
helmet law only applies to riders under the age of 17, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and…
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February 09,2017
One of the most controversial topics when it comes to sharing the road with motorcycles is lane-splitting. While many motorists are upset at the two-wheeled vehicles that speed past their windows during heavy traffic times, others feel that the maneuver is beneficial for all drivers. Lawmakers in…
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January 30,2017
Motorcycle riders in Indiana may understand that they are especially vulnerable in an accident. However, they are not completely helpless when it comes to preventing one, even when another vehicle makes a move that puts them in danger.
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December 05,2016
Every day, motorcyclists across the country are injured or killed in collisions with passenger vehicles. In the state of Indiana, the government reported over 100 fatalities each year from 2007 till 2013. In addition to the deaths, there were also between 2,486 and 3,279 injuries reported during…
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